Tried and Tested Tuesday: Cervical Cancer Prevention Week

Bit of a funny one for a Tried and Tested Tuesday but it’s important seeing as it’s Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, from 22nd – 28th January 2018.

It’s one of those taboo subjects even though it really shouldn’t be, in fact it should be spoken about so openly that no embarrassment is attached to the topic. As women we are extremely fortunate that a service such as a smear test is offered to us and even more fortunate in the UK where we are given it for free via the NHS, so why wouldn’t you take up the offer?!

As a young adult in my mid thirties (yes I consider myself young) I’ve a few smear tests. I can’t actually remember the age I had my first one but I think it was either at twenty one or twenty five years old and I’ve had at least two or three since, I think you are required to go once every five years, don’t quote me on that though but I know I’ve had a few.

So what’s my point?

I’m writing about this because as a woman you shouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed about what you look like down there and if the nurse is going to judge you – she’s not! Sure, I was nervous and shy the first time I went and each time after but the nurse really doesn’t care, just think about how many different people she has to see, she won’t have time to think about it. Plus it’s her job, she signed up for it so she knows what to expect – different shapes, sizes and colours. It’s actually no different to getting your bits waxed. Just make yourself presentable for your own comfort, have a wash and shave your legs, you don’t need to do anything else fancy down there if you know what I mean. Just be proud of your body!

Does it hurt?

In my honest opinion…No. It doesn’t hurt but I’m not going to lie, it is a little bit uncomfortable but it’s a manageable two or three minutes to know you are healthy.

I know this post is all for getting a smear test and waiting for the results can be the scary part but it’s better to know if you have a problem and be able to get the right help for it than not to.

Seriously though ladies don’t put it off, be really grateful that so many women before us fought for these amazing rights we have and be proud to be a female in two thousand and eighteen, who has access to healthcare.

What to do now?

Don’t be embarrassed and BOOK THE APPOINTMENT!!! You’ll be really proud of yourself for getting yourself checked and being proactive about your health. It’s your body and you have every right to take care of it and like I said before be grateful of how far we have come as women with our rights.

(All images are from