Goodbye September, Hello October

Wow so where did September go?! Not that I’m complaining because I’m ready and looking forward to the colder weather (not that we’ve had much of a summer this year but hey ho) and wearing chunky knits, making fresh soups and cuddling up on the sofa watching movies and Netflix.


For me September was all about eating great food with even greater people and it was also the month where I reintroduced salmon and egg back into my diet. I’ve been plant based (with the odd bit of cheese and a splash of milk in my tea) for about two years now and I’m not going to lie recently I have found food and my diet quite difficult. I could feel my body crying out for something nutritious because my bones were clicking way more than usual so after much deliberation and thought I decided to introduce salmon and egg back in to my diet and although I’ve only had it a few times I do feel I have an extra spring in my step. I know this decision may upset people in the plant based and vegan community but I also feel I have to listen to my body. I’m still taking all the vitamins I was previously taking and still read the back of food packets and avoid anything that contains beef gelatin and other ingredients I don’t fancy consuming. For me this is a temporary solution whilst I educate myself further on how to be plant based whilst getting the correct nutrition.


I ordered myself some books from Amazon as I just wanted something exciting to read and bury my head in. I think I heard about this book “The Boy with the Topknot” via Twitter so once I saw it was a Punjabi author Sathnam Sanghera and that they were making this story in to a TV show I thought I should jump on the bandwagon. So far I haven’t been disappointed, two days in and 9 chapters down, it’s fair to say I picked a goodun’! Also the author liked my tweet so that’s an added bonus, it really is the little things. Once I have read the entire book ( which won’t be long now) I will write a book review.


So although September was all about the food and enjoying myself, October has already kicked off on a healthy note with fruit and nuts for breakfast. My aim is to detox with fruit juices and soups and ease myself into exercise as I didn’t even step foot into the fancy gym I pay for in September. But it’s not about being negative and nit picking at what I didn’t do or achieve it’s about moving forward with my goals for the future.

New Office

God has blessed me with a new office space to be creative in, so the month of October will involve buying new furniture and putting my stamp on this empty canvas. I’m secretively looking forward to my trip to Ikea to drool over all the things I don’t actually need. Once I’m all set up I’ll do an office tour.

To conclude September was an amazing month to end the summer in, spending time with my brother whose now in his last year of uni and eating ALL the food! October is all about balance, getting to know myself again, my goals and ambitions for the future as well as eating clean and exercising to prove to myself that if I put my mind to it I can achieve anything!